I believe recipes are meant to be shared, but even the recipe cards your grandma copied in handwriting from her neighbor often had credit on them. So please refer to this policy when you want to share my content on your blog or web publication:
Thank you so much for looking to share my photos and content with your audience, I love to pass along my recipes!
I’m sure you understand that a lot of hard work goes into my recipes and photos, so I want them treated nicely when they’re passed around.
Everything you see here on my blog can been tested, re-tested, perfected, photographed, videographer and written by me, Nora. As such, I obviously want the credit for my work when it is shared elsewhere.
Use of recipes and photos
Photo Only
I give you permission to use up to two photos per recipe you want to share from savorynothings.com
Please place a link to both the recipe on my site AND my homepage. And if you want to be a very decent Internet citizen, please reference my full name in the image credit as well.
For example: Crispy Oven Fried Chicken by Nora Rusev from Savory Nothings
Recipe Only
If you remake a recipe from savorynothings.com to share on your own blog with your own photos, please credit me in the recipe card or in the post copy, and reference my name and my homepage.
You can say something like this: Inspired by the Crispy Oven Fried Chicken by Nora Rusev from Savory Nothings.
Even if you change a few small ingredients, it’s good practice to credit the source of inspiration.
If you want to use my recipe to generate an income for yourself through product sales, (eg in an eBook, a print book, on the back of a product packaging, to advertise your product etc), or if you are a website owner with more than 1 million monthly users, please contact me at nora at savorynothings.com to request my pricing for recipe licensing.
Recipe and Photo
This is a more complex request, please contact me at nora at savorynothings.com to discuss how we can work together.
Thank you for being a decent human and adhering to this policy. Please remember that I own the copyright to all the photos I take for this blog, so I can follow up on and will take action against improper usage.